Saturday, September 16, 2017


All from Internet news sites. Guess which ones from Politico?

Trump: 'Loser terrorists' responsible for London explosion 'were in the sights of Scotland Yard'

Trump is a terrible negotiator

NAVY investigating if cyberattacks caused USS McCain crash ...

Tunisia ends ban on non-Muslim men marrying Muslim women

Pepsi, Schumer face ire from the left over Dreamer talks

[Breitbart columnist] Ben Shapiro's appearance at Berkeley remains peaceful

Mueller worked for Flynn-linked company not listed on ethics disclosure ...

Report: Iran boosts funding to $800 million for Hezbollah terrorists

Harvard withdraws invitation to Chelsea Manning after backlash

US military believes North Korea has the hydrogen bomb

Maddow interrupts Hillary Clinton interview -- for sneezing panda video ...

Terror arrests in Britain surge 68 per cent to record high

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