Sunday, September 24, 2017


All from Internet news sites. Guess which from Politico?

Trump, in Alabama, wades into interparty battle

Chuck Schumer coached Jimmy Kimmel behind the scenes on how to oppose Obamacare repeal

Apple fans not lining up for release of new IPhone?

U.S. Says NAFTA helps Chinese goods reach American market

Trump bashes McCain in early morning Tweets

Suspicious earthquake hits North Korean nuclear test site

Study: Fraternities lower GPA -- but raise future income ...

Trump approves 100K+ illegal aliens for DACA in last 3 months

Carson breaks with Trump, backs Moore for Alabama Senate seat

NYT writes nearly 1.500 words on Berkeley with zero mentions of ANTIFA

Glitch allows non-U.S. citizens in PA to vote ...

Iran unveils long-range missile capable of hitting Israel

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