Sunday, September 17, 2017

Dead-end Jobs

- Civil-rights lawyers in China

- Gourmet chefs in Venezuela

- Male Ob/Gyn doctors in Iran

- Female driving instructors in Saudi Arabia

- Civil War historians in America

- Peace negotiators in North Korea

- Investigative journalists in Mexico

- Immigration clerks in Germany

- ISIS fighters in Syria and Iraq

- Alcoholics Anonymous organizers in Russia


  1. Interesting piece in Globe today, about how the new immigration restrictions will exacerbate the predicted Social Security shortfall because the 'desirable' immigrant population has the same low birth rate as Americans. Who'll pick the strawberries?

    1. It will also exacerbate the Social Security problem because many senior family members go on SSI without ever paying into the system. The Globe didn't mention this?

    2. No, Globe didn't mention that.

  2. I'd expect mechanized harvesting machinery that uses visual cues and algorithms to pick the crops, air blow them clean, and put the product into end user containers. Badda boom, Badda bing.

  3. Civil war historians in America will do fine as long ask they are clear that one side won and one side lost.
