Sunday, September 24, 2017

Butter Side Down

Just like movie stars, making millions of dollars for their realistic reciting of the creative works of others, eventually believe that they have become these make-believe heros and can behave accordingly ... a similar mania is sweeping the sports world. Now a number of mostly black football and basketball players believe that injecting politics into the sports arena is their God-given and constitutional right. They exhibit their displeasure with America and its supposed injustices by sitting or taking a knee during the playing of the Stars Spangled Banner at the begining of their contests.

Of course such disloyal demonstrations are their right ... but it is also the right of President Trump to call them out for disrespecting the country that has so lavishly rewarded them for their physical talents. Yes, they have supporters among our increasingly looney left. But there are also legions of citizens who view such antics as the equivalent of telling them to f-off ... that they are racists or jingoistic or whatever. The question then becomes -- are there enough of lefty snowflakes and conservative jock sniffers who will continue watching the performance talents of these children to justify their continued lofty salaries?

My guess is no. And that these anthem dissenters may eventually find that their toast has fallen on the floor butter side down.

Afterward: There are far more productive ways for athletes to protest perceived evil ... live moral lifes as examples to our youth, support blind justice, donate their time and money to the education and betterment of their race ... and finally, proudly display their love of country.

1 comment:

  1. His (CK's) Mother agrees with you. She tweeted:"There's ways to make change w/o disrespecting & bringing shame to the very country & family who afforded you so many blessings." My feelings also.
