Thursday, September 14, 2017

A Political Chimera

Headline: Democrats say they agreed to make a DACA deal with Trump -- without the border wall ... see: CNBC Story. I fill up my pipe and dream the following:

- Establishment Republicans want a DACA deal and no border wall

- Democrats want a DACA deal and no border wall

- Populist Americans want a border wall before any DACA deal

- Trump gets a bipartisan DACA deal through Congress but no border wall

- Populist Americans abandon Trump in droves ... meaning no likely re-election in 2020

- Democrats have no real message or candidate for 2020

- Trump switches to the Democrat party and runs in 2020 with the backing of Democrats and establishment Republicans. Crooked Hillary is his running mate.

- Steve Bannon opposes him as the candidate from the newly-formed Populist party. Jeff Session is his running mate.

- Steve Bannon wins the presidency in a landslide and gets a majority in both houses of Congress with primaried Republicans and some Democrats who have switched to the Populist party.

- Construction begins on the border wall

- Fully half of Hollywood moves to Canada


  1. Where do Ted Nugent and Sarah Palin play their parts?

  2. This is just crazy talk.

  3. Ann coulter is calling for Trump's impeachment and Laura Ingraham asks ... when did we chant "fix the fence!"? You Democrats don't yet realize it, but you won the last election.
