Tuesday, August 15, 2017

The Antifas

Antifas at Berkeley

David Duke, the KKK, neo-Nazis, and generic white nationalist organizations have been denounced and disavowed over and over again by Trump. In fact the liberal media can't seem to hear such repudiations enough times. Even the briefest hiatus in these incessant denunciations means to the fake news media that Trump has suddenly become of those who he had previously castigated.

In the recent Charlottesville confrontation there was serious evidence of mayhem on both sides (later, including an act of domestic terrorism.) One side, the alt-right ... supposedly the real white-nationalist daemons, were some KKKers, some neo-Nazis and a smattering of other conservative groups. Opposed to them were the alt-left, made up of Antifas (short for anti-fascists), Black Lives Matter, other (Soros-funded?) groups and some local protesters.

In a strange twist, Jason Kessler, the organizer of the alt-right side of these demonstration had also been involved in the Occupy Wall Street uprisings ... see: Breitbart Story.

Pictured above are the Antifas in their black outfits, some body armor and black face masks. In this case, they supposedly were also wearing some helmets and carrying bats and 2x4s. One account of this confrontation had the alt-righties protesting ... with a permit ... the planned removal of a Robert E. Lee statue in his memorial park. Virginia governor, Terry McAuliffe chose then to revoke their permit and commanded them to disperse. Three sides of this park had been enclosed by the police and the only exit was through the fourth side where the alt-left thugs were waiting. The alt-right were forced to run this gauntlet where many of the injuries occurred. Even a NY Times reporter verified this mayhem in a tweet ... before retracting it ... see: Daily Wire Story

 Tuesday night Charles Krauthammer said that Trump's press conference remarks earlier that day were "morally repugnant" ... despite the fact that they were pretty much accurate. I guess I must also be a pariah because all I heard Trump saying was the truth as I understood it ... and I have always thought the the truth was the moral high ground. Is the president always to bend the the established media narrative? Even when that narrative is slanted and designed to smear the president and his party? Trump will not buy this judgment ... even when a sometimes ally as Krauthammer thinks otherwise.

Bottom line: We should condemn and decry the Left's Gestapo tactics with the same vigor that we do so for the Right. President Trump's mistake is that he appears to be backing off his condemnation of the alt-right because of the media's gentle treatment of the alt-left. I don't think he is, but this is the media's narrative.


  1. Where have I said that I am pro any of the bad actors on the right? You conflate my repugnance with the evil on the left with endorsing these thugs. This is the zero-sum media narrative and is as prejudiced as you are more than willing to accuse me (and Trump) of. Life and logic is not that simplistic.

  2. The image you show was taken in Berkeley, not Charlottesville. All the images i see from Charlottesvile show very few Black Bloc outfits.

    1. And the NY Times article on Charlottesville showed only pastors and housewives. I'm learning this game ...

  3. Your image was originally published May 9, 2017. So there is that... And if you search for charlottesville protest images, in the hundreds of images the counter-protestors are dressed rather simply. There were some in all black but very few. Even in drone shots. So there is that...

    While I agree in the condemnation of the formal Black Bloc contingent, what evidence do you have that George Soros funds everything that seems antiTrump? And don't the Koch Bros, Bannon, and the Mercers fund their protestors?

    1. OK, trying to be fair, I captioned the first picture and added one of the actual Charlottesville counter protesters ...

  4. That's fair. Well done!

  5. Nazi flags and salutes are reserved for a special form of intolerance that might take hundreds of years to fade away. Some company recently put multicolored swastikas on t-shirts as art and was strongly shut down for it. If the protestors had just confederate flags the tone would have been much softer.

    1. By this comment I am not endorsing the ate that was exhibited in Charlottesville. I am condemning it just like I did condemn Obama for his more insideous form of anti-Semitism. It was insideous because many Jews still voted for him ... twice! By the bye, add Obama's longtime minister, Rev. Wright to the list in the previous comment

    2. We better not see any Nazi salutes, flags, or clothing anywhere near the White House, or anywhere POTUS stays.

    3. Make that "hate" not "ate" ...

  6. My great sadness is that many Americans kept supporting Obama even after he had sullied our home in DC with all that pond scum.

  7. Can't say that Sarah Palin, Kid Rock, and Ted Nugent did much to add class to the White House on their visit.

  8. What's that old joke ... when Al Sharpton was at the White House, the average IQ went yp 20 points
