Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Super Silly Science

In the old Marvel comic books, when Superman missed a key event (like Lois Lane's death), he would soar into space and, by flying ultra fast east to west, make the world spin backwards to cause time to reverse ... so that he could then rescue things. Independent of the implausibility of this super event, how still very silly. The rotation of the Earth is represented by the time on clocks, but the time on clocks does not control actual time ... a totally independent phenomenon.

 But the fact that Marvel Comics could convince millions of readers that Superman could pull off this scientifically-impossible event demonstrates how very maive is the collective public's science understanding. Enter left, Al Gore.


  1. So how do you make time go backwards? I'll send you ten boxtops and a quarter if you'll tell me.

  2. More amazing is the fact that we never questioned the fact that no one could recognize Clark wearing glasses. Come to think of it, where does he hide the Hat, glasses and suit when he goes into the magic phone booth?
