Tuesday, August 08, 2017


All from Internet news sites. guess which from Politico.

Pence blasts NYT report about [his] 2020 ambitions

Prof who said Trump must hang won't be returning to teach

NKorea vows 'thousand fold' revenge

Maduro wants anti-Socialist Twitter users in jail for 30 years

Why Trump's new immigration bill makes sense

Jeb Bush just ripped Debbie Wasserman Schultz over House IT scandal

Bubble of Trouble: When will the tech boom burst?

GOP Sen. Flake: I'll stand against Trump's immigration plan

Cities fear Obamacare repeal, warm to single payer

Apple CEO trashes Trump but lets his company kowtow to Communist China

Justice Department not looking to charge journalists ...

Trump deporting 'children' for mere suspicion of gang membership, says ACLU

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