Saturday, August 05, 2017


All from Internet news sites. Guess which ones from Politico?

[Gen.] Kelly gives [Gen.] McMaster cover in West Wing battles

Exclusive: Former NSC officials decry McMaster's shutdown of Trump's foreign policy

Greenspan: It's about to burst

Report: McMaster feels the heat ... 'Increasingly volatile,' 'frequently blows his top'

West Virginia Democratic governor switches to GOP

Wasserman Schultz says laptop she wanted to keep from police was Awan's, not hers

Bookmaker slashes odds on Zuckerburg being president ...

Poll: Majority have negative view of Black Lives Matter

Trump (finally!) reaches million-jobs mark

Krauthammer warns: Some Republicans want Trump taken out of office

California kicks ICE out of state offices ...

Michael Moore: 'Who wouldn't want Tom Hanks for president?'

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