Sunday, August 27, 2017


A Twisted Bit of Irony

All from Internet news sites. Guess which from Politico?

White House aide Sebastain Gorka ousted from post

California could start jailing people who don't use transgender pronouns

Erdogan opposition rises in Turkey ...

Report: Trump backing off support for Luther Strange in AL Sen race

Trump administration introduces green card hurdle

Reminder: KKK wanted to remove Columbus statue too

Congress quietly passes bill allowing warrantless searches of homes ...

South Carolina governor halts all funding for abortion clinics

Ukraine's TB problem is a ticking time bomb for Europe

Sword attacker arrested in London, shouted 'Allahu Akbar'

Theater cancels 'insensitive' 'Gone with the Wind' showings ...

Abbas on Trump's Mideast peace push: 'Nothing is impossible'

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