Wednesday, August 30, 2017


All from Internet news sites. Guess which ones from Politico?

Cruz, Texans accused of hypocrisy  on Harvey aid

New poll shows Flake in deep trouble in Arizona GOP primary

Burning Man officially opens. Traffic in the middle of Nowhere, Nevada is brutal

Rush Limbaugh on Trump White House: 'How is Gary Cohn still there?'

Republican floats measure to kill Mueller probe after 6 months

North Korea fires missile over Japan

200,000 deportation cases quietly 'closed' under Obama ...

Governor Abbott activates entire Texas National Guard ...

Bolton writes in op-ed he can't get in to see Trump anymore

De Blasio to march in Columbus Day parade

DHS takes next step in 'extreme vetting' ...

Every [Cleveland] Browns player stands for anthem after Jim Brown lays down the law

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