Monday, August 21, 2017


All from Internet news sites. Guess which ones from Politico?

More GOP lawmakers buck their party on climate change

Suspected Florida cop killer claimed to be a member of black extremist group

NKorea threatens 'merciless strike' ahead of US-SKoreaa drills ...

Report: Powerful GOP donor Sheldon Adelson supports campaign to oust McMaster

Tech firms' fight against hate could haunt them

Barcelona terror cell claims to have bombed church, may have accidently blown-up Imam instead

Google working with liberal groups to snuff out conservative websites

Trump praises anti-hate protesters in Boston ...

Mnuchin facing call for his resignation, defends Trump

Bannon: Trump presidency I fought for is over

Queen will not stand down for Prince Charles ...

Report: 27 [Boston rally] protesters arrested, bottles of urine thrown at pqolice ...

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