Thursday, August 10, 2017


All from Internet news sites. Guess which from Politico?

Trump aides downplay his North Korean threat as 'impromptu'

Central American newspaper advises immigrants on what U.S. states to avoid

[U.S.] Diplomats hit by 'acoustic attack'  in Havana

Michael Moore in Broadway show: 'I'm thinking about killing Andrew Cuomo'

Russian spy plane trolls Trump with flight over D.C., New Jersey

NYT issues massive correction on front page climate change article

Freedom Tax: 6.5 million pay fine to avoid Obamacare ...

Judicial Watch: Top Obama officials like Holder, Loretta Lynch used e-mail alieses for gov't biz

Bolling initiates lawsuit against report behind sexting story

Brandeis University's Social Justice Journalism Award excludes white men

Homeland: 23% of federal prisoners are illegals ...

Poll: Only 4% of sports media support Trump

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