Friday, August 18, 2017


Based in Los Angeles, the Astroturf (fake grass-roots) recruiter, Crowds on Demand, is offering $25 an hour to demonstrate or counter-demonstrate at rallies around the country. Peruse their website at: Crowds on Demand.

It is speculated that many of the provocateurs that were at Charlottesville and who are expected at the Free Speech rally on Saturday in Boston have or will come through this organization  ... see: Zero Hedge Story. If I were younger, I might even be tempted ... (just kidding)

I realize that many of you on the left will have a brain cramp at this news ... so here is some push-back from your comfort pony: Snopes Analysis. Snopes conclusion is "Unproven" which, for this bevy of boo-birds, is as good as a "True" endorsement.


  1. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Drink the coolaid George. They did not pay people to come out and get beaten up. No one is that stupid. (Or perhaps those who believe, are) By the way, Breitbart just got brighter.

  2. Anonymous2:16 PM

    The post included an image of a Craigslist ad for a company called Crowds On Demand, "a Los Angeles-based Public Relations firm specializing in innovative events." The ad, which said it had been posted a week prior, was "looking for enthusiastic actors and photographers in the Charlotte, NC area to participate in our events."

    Note that said Charlotte, N.C., and not Charlottesville, Va. Both cities were named for King George III’s wife, Sophia Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, but that’s about all the two places share.

    Read the whole article at:

  3. Lurker Fritz4:42 PM

    Charlotte Charlottesville tomato pajama what's the diff.
