Saturday, July 22, 2017

Slow-motion Coup

We've seen this movie before. President Richard Nixon was hounded from office by a cabal of the American media, the Democrat party and millions of naive Republicans (myself included). It took roughly two years but in the end the pressure of the elite classes finally flipped the Republican political leadership to abandon Nixon over his obvious attempt to cover up for a petty Watergate break-in ... meant to do nothing more than stop the Deep State leaks inside his administration, (Remember the "plumbers" was the name of those who broke into the DNC to find the source of these leaks.)

Now, taking a lesson from this successful slow-motion coup, a similar group is attempting these same tactics to negate the 2016 vote of the American people in electing Donald Trump president. The logic behind this coup is that the drip, drip, drip of unsavory revelations about Trump and Company will eventually turn even the most ardent of his supporters against him ... and he will be driven from office. Clearly the Special Counsel Mueller has the backing of much of the media and the Democrat party (read a vindictive Hillary Clinton) in this overthrow attempt. There is one small difference this time however ... so far defining Trump's crime is dicey at best. Throw in that Trump is doing, to the best of his ability, what the voters sent him to Washington to do.

Also, as I first stated, we have seen this movie before. The script and the players are familiar to anyone who lived through Watergate ... except possibly for Bob Woodward. From recent interviews, I get the distinct impression that he has reflected on what part he played in Nixon's ouster and is less likely to take up the assassination pen this time around.

In many ways this (and Nixon's) cabal reminds me of that great novel "The Caine Mutiny" which I read many years ago. Here, Quegg, captain of a old rusty minesweeper, now a resupply ship, the Caine, was masterfully painted as the unstable, eccentric villain throughout most of the book ... until his second in command mutinies and takes over the ship in a storm. He, court marshaled for this offense, is acquitted when Quegg breaks down while testifying. Then the author, Herman Wouk, turns things upside down by making Quegg into the demi-hero for doing his small part in the much bigger picture of the war in the Pacific. Although annoying, nothing that Quegg had done deserved the disloyalty of his holier-than-thou crew. In a blink of an eye, the villain in this book became the protagonist.

So Trump is clearly eccentric and makes enemies at the drop of a tweet. But he is doing the job that the American voters asked him to do ... despite all the obstacles thrown up by the Democrats, the elite media and the establishment Republicans ... a job much more difficult than need be. Instead of his enemies taking him down with a Caesar-like assassination ... for which this country wouldn't stand ... they are opting for another slow-motion coup ... in many ways much more sinister and morally repugnant ... much like the naive crew of the Caine.

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