Sunday, July 30, 2017

Save the Parrots

It was 48 degrees Fahrenheit last night outside of Boston ... on July 30th ... the middle of Summer for heaven's sake!

I think that this anomaly gives me an opportunity to make oodles of real money. I can cobble up a movie called "An Inconvenient Fiction" with lots of PR BS ... use it to convince millennials and gen-Zers that the next Ice Age is upon us ... get the climate scientists at East Anglia University to fudge their data once again ... get Michael Mann to point out that his hockey stick is used on ICE ... give 97% of scientists a shot at the government teat by getting the Trump administration to give grants to study how to save our planet ... call nitrogen the culprit leading to our frozen doom ... get the EPA to label nitrogen a pollutant ... win the Nobel Prize for Science ... get Merkel, Macron and Trudeau to start quoting my "settled science" ... plaster pictures of endangered parrots everywhere ("Save the Parrots") ... get the UN to relocate to Ecuador to save themselves ... and watch my bank account grow to Bill Gates levels as I start selling nitrogen credits.

Yeah, that's what I'll do ...

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