Sunday, July 23, 2017


All from Internet news sites. Guess which ones from Politico?

Trump options on Russian probe: Discredit, pardon, fire

Co-founder of firm behind the Trump-Russia dossier will plead the fifth

NFL: OJ will be on Hall of Fame invitation list ..

Dershowitz: 'Unlikely' Mueller will 'want to come away with nothing'

Russian sanctions deal passes without changes Trump wanted

Report: Sessions did talk about the 2016 campaign with Russians

Wall Street Journal editorial writer found dead ...

Reuters tries to trash Trump with poll showing him gaining with his voter base

Schiff, Warner launch preemptive strike on Trump pardons

Report: Trump will use anti-terror law to sidestep enviro review of border wall

Dems to rebrand: 'The better deal'

Lindsey Graham: Vote me out if you oppose amnesty and outsourcing

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