Monday, July 17, 2017


All from Internet news sites. guess which ones from Politico?

Trump campaign paid $50,000 to Trump Jr.'s lawyer

Everyone who knows House [of Rep.] hacker says Congress should be worried

Macron outshines Merkel as EU top diplomat ...

Carville: No one 'in charge' of Democrat party

McConnell: Senate to 'defer' on Obamacare repeal vote

Previously deported Nigerian pleads guilty to ripping off U.S. for $12 million

Guam eyes end to American colonial rule ...

Phil Donahue: Trump era 'darkest political moment in American history'

Poll: Trump's six month favorable rating hits historic low

New batch of Al Qaeda meets U.S. Special Operations, Allah

Surgeon finds 27 contact lenses in woman's eye ...

Howard Dean: Republicans are 'morally bankrupt'

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