Monday, July 10, 2017

Democrat Bumper Stickers

The DNC has put out an appeal for a new slogan to rally the party for the 2018 elections. (What does that say?) Greg Gutfeld has come up with a number of clever ones that fit on bumper stickers. Here they are: Fox News Video. Of course this has inspired me to compete in this silly contest. How about the following:


My other car is a Tesla. Vote Blue!

Ohm was a Democra! RESISTANCE!

Democrats Cum Buy Ya Health Insurance ...

Who gave you Obamacare, Obamaphones, Obamamoney? We got more ideas. Vote Democrat!

She's gone but other Democrats are still here ... HELP!

Trump Trump!

Dems Demand Dem Demons Demoted

Vote Left to Vote Right

Hack Russia, Vote Blue!

1 comment:

  1. GOP Slogans:
    - Rich people are special. Poor people suck.
    - Life Insurance is cheaper than healthcare Insurance (hint hint).
    - Lets make America great for white people again.
