Sunday, July 16, 2017

David vs. Goliath

Donald Trump is in an epic struggle with the establishment media and much of our elite society. He has vowed to "drain the swamp" in Washington and the swamp seems equally dedicated to draining him. This is a cage match where there can only be one winner and, considering the odds, this winner is unlikely to be Trump. Yes, Trump does have huge chunks of middle America on his side, but his enemies are targeting various pockets of his supporters by slow-walking his campaign commitments ... and concocting devious narratives to turn them against him.

And they are quite likely to succeed because of their sheer numbers and the ferocity of their attacks. It is David vs. Goliath... and  David's only effective weapon is his Twitter account. And even there, Trump's aim is sometimes errant. So my realistic expectation is that Trump's sizable opposition will eventually grind him down and he will leave the White House a beaten man.

But what if he wins? What if David fells the giant Goliath? This is almost unthinkable, but what if he does? What might be the consequences? Here are some thoughts:

- Online media might then dominate the news business. Some cable news channels (CNN) might disappear ... but most will surely be eclipsed.

- Our traditional two party system (some might claim it's a one-party system)  might expand into three or even four contenders. Trump, like Teddy Roosevelt, might be the father of one of these newbies.

- Hollywood will start making some pro-conservative movies.

- Most politicians will take to Twitter (or its equivalent) to communicate directly with their public.

- The "resistance" will go underground ... hoping to reemerge at some later date.

- Trump might eventually find his way onto Mt. Rushmore. Gasp!

- America will be great again ... at least for a while.

1 comment:

  1. I hope your brain can recover from the extraordinary pretzel twists in logic that accounts for you casting Trump as David (vs the evil fake media Goliath). The analogy doesn't work. You seem to ignore the many shots to the feet that he has inflicted upon himself. His defenders are beginning to appear clownish. With an approval rating of 1/3 of the voters, he will be "ground down" because he has the attention span of a gnat, a personality disorder that would render him unfit for a job as a Scout leader, and no moral compass.
