Saturday, June 03, 2017


I am now watching in real time on Fox News the latest obviously terrorist attack by most likely disgruntled out-of-work self-radicalized men (of some unknown religion) on London Bridge in the English city of the same name. At least seven people have been hit by a white van from which then jumped three men who began stabbing pedestrians. Significant gunfire was also heard ... presumably before there was time for armed constables to arrive in response. And there are reports of a separate attacks at the nearby Borough Market and also maybe at Vauxhall. Who knows how many deaths and injuries will come from this "incident."

I am sure that soon the Muslim mayor of Londonstan will respond that it is not clear that terrorism is to blame and that everyone should be on guard against exhibiting any Islamophobia ... adding once again that such events should now be viewed as part of our normal social fabric. Yawn!

I'll stop now as I am sure many of these facts will change over the next few hours. But perhaps this description can be recycled during the next "incident" possibly propagated by the Religion of Peace.

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