Monday, June 19, 2017

Morning Joe

I have watched the MSNBC show "Morning Joe" for enough time now that I think I can reproduce the typical banter between its two co-hosts ... viz:

Joe Scarborough: Trump has tweeted out this morning that he is under investigation by the Special Counsel Mueller ...

Mika Brzezinski: We've known Trump for a long time.  I'm just saying can't trust anything he says because he is a liar ...

Joe Scarborough: But his lawyer said yesterday that he was not under investigation!

Mika Brzezinski: Sigh! Both Trump and his lawyer are liars ... Trump lies about lying ...

Joe Scarborough: If I were still in Congress, I would look my red-neck constituents in the eyes and tell them the truth ... like I always did and that's why they elected me ...

Mika Brzezinski: You told the truth, Trump lies ...

Joe Scarborough: My voters could always tell when I tried anything funny or political ... My voters loved my honesty ...

Mika Brzezinski: Sigh! That's what I love about you Joe ... and Elizabeth Warren ... not like Trump's constant prevarication

Joe Scarborough: And that's what I love about you Mika ... among some other things ...

Mika Brzezinski: Sigh, I mean ... I really can't fathom why Trump keeps lying all the time ... even in his tweets ... especially ... he constantly lies in his tweets ...

Joe Scarborough: You look so sexy this morning. Let's throw the show to Mike Barnicle ...

Mika Brzezinski: You look very hunky too Joe ... OK, I'm game. Did I mention that Trump is a liar? ...

[Fade to a Planned Parenthood commercial] ...


  1. Trump's apparent inability to refrain from stomping on his own credibility reminds me of Charley Sheen's psychotic-self destruction a few years back.

    1. I think it is a horse race as to who has more OCD ... Trump, Joe Scarborough, Mika Alphabet, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Charley Scheen, etc., etc.?

    2. Yet OCD can also benefit our society ... e.g.s: Steve Jobs, Teddy Roosevelt, Thomas Edison, Jeff Bezos, JFK, etc.

    3. And Elon Musk ... and his hero, Nicola Tesla

  2. That pic of Mika very sexy.
