Wednesday, June 28, 2017


All these headlines have been found on Internet news sites. Guess which ones came from Politico?

... 'If there was something really good, it would have leaked' -- [CNN producer]

Napolitano: [Former AG] Lynch could face 5-10 years in prison...

CBO Report: Senate healthcare bill drops number of insured by 22 million

Patients with mental disorders get half of all opioid prescriptions ...

Exclusive: McCain Institute refuses to disclose big doners

EU slaps Google with record $2.7 billion fine

Castile's family gets $3 million payout after cop aquittal

Secret FBI memos suggest Russia-Flynn probe was political payback ...

Republicans offer billions in side deals to win Obamacare repeal votes

Who has Trump's ear? Often rich white Republican men ...

House Dems hired a fired McDonald's worker as their IT guy

TSA finds 20 pound live lobster in bag ...


  1. Seems like a lot of people agree with Pelosi: Republicans want to rush through a tax cut for the Rich, disguised as a health care bill.

    1. Please explain in detail how this bill gives tax cuts to the wealthy ... or are you just echoing Schumer and CNN?

    2. Section G-123a "The purpose of this bill is to secretly rob the middle class and poor and give the money to drug companies, insurance executives and fund congressional retirement fund. But deny this if anyone asks."

    3. If you can't answer my question, please just say so

    4. I haven't had time to read it yet. Have you? Has Trump? Has Mitch?

  2. Another Dem cop out ... You made the assertion. Now please back it up.
