Friday, June 09, 2017


The following headlines have all been found on Internet news sites. Guess which ones came from Politico?

Comey blasts White House for 'lies, plain and simple'

Fake News: Comey confirms NYT Trump-Russia collusion story false

Exclusive: Obama never warned state election officials about Russian hacking

Group kicked out of Gay Pride parade for supporting Trump

Breaking: Loretta Lynch successfully pressured Comey to mislead public using Clinton campaign talking points

Dems shift [impeachment] focus to obstruction

Trump faces growing Senate resistance to Saudi arms deal

Amazon secretly becoming big bank ...

Comey hearing destroys obstruction case against Trump

Exclusive -- Islamic State supporters: Soon we will destroy Iran

He leaked: Comey admits he dished on memos to the New York Times

Melania Trump set to make move to D.C. next week

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