Tuesday, June 06, 2017


All these headlines are real ... recovered from Internet news sites. Guess which ones came from the HuffPost?

First Deep State arrest: Government contractor busted for leaking NSA docs to 'The intercept'

Europeans respond to terrorist attacks with tougher gun control laws

Senate GOP aims for June vote on Obamacare repeal

London mayor: UK shouldn't host Trump on a state visit

Donald Trump: Media trying to sell 'pathetic excuse' from London mayor

85% drop in food stamp use after counties restart work requirement ...

Senator Al Franken cancels Bill Maher appearance amid controversy

'Torture memo' author nominated for Trump administration post

Senate prods Trump to move U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem

Nikki Haley: U.S. doesn't need advice on protecting the environment

Poland: Refusing to import Muslims only proven counterterrorism method

Top diplomat in China quits over Trumps climate policy

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