Monday, June 05, 2017


The following headlines are real. all have been collected from Internet news sites. guess which ones came from Politico.

The bottleneck in Rex Tillerson's State Department

Fox News' Chris Wallace confronts Al Gore with his failed global warming predictions

UK holds back names of jihadi killers ...

Supreme Court expedites petition in Trmp's executive order case

MSNBC Anchor: Is Trump trying to provoke terror attack 'for his own gain'?

Brooklyn cop in critical condition after car drags [him] over two blocks

Transgender athlete beats girls but would have placed last against boys

Al Gore: Trump's Paris decision 'reckless' but we'll go on without him

75%. Of black California boys don't meet state reading standards ...

[Sen.] Warner calls reports about Trump 'very, very troubling'

Intel Committee Dem.: No 'smoking gun' on Trump-Russia probe

Muslims take over NYC street, pray in front of Trump Tower ...

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