Wednesday, June 21, 2017


The following headlines have all been found on Internet news sites. Guess which ones came from Politico.

Sources: Senate GOP prepares for Obamacare repeal vote next week

Sanders: My Republican colleagues are 'cowardly'

Judge narrows injunction on Trump travel ban

Leon Panetta: 'We have a dysfunctional presidency' at this moment in time

Gingrich on Russian investigation: 'The fix is in'

Christain school told they can't teach 'offensive' scripture

Mag: Time to break up Amazon?

Limbaugh: Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Nancy Pelosi wrote 'script' for Scalise shooting

Otto Warmbler dies days after being released by North Korea

Exclusive: McCain Institute is funded by George Soros

Update: Yellowstone supervolcano hit by 400 quakes in week

Fleeing burglar fires back into home, kills accomplice running behind him

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