Friday, June 02, 2017


All these headlines have been found on Internet new sites. Guess which ones came from Politico?

Clinton taunts Trump: 'People in covfefe houses shouldn't throw covfefe'

Wasserman Schultz admits House IT security violations, blames House administrators for not stopping her

Bitter Hillary Clinton blasts inept DNC

They're staying: Obamas buying DC home ...

FBI arrests Mexican motorcycle gang accused of stealing over 150 Jeep Wranglers

Bloomberg: Trump already headed to re-election ...

House Democrats: Revoke Kushner's security clearance

Nigel Farage named 'person of interest' in FBI probe ...

In the age of  Trump Beijing pivots to Europe

Hillary: Russian hacking might have been Trump

Andrea Mitchell calls ou Hillary for 'conspiracy theory'

25% of shopping malls might close ...

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