Friday, June 16, 2017


These headlines have all been found on Internet news sites. Guess which ones came from Politico.

Senate likely to miss Obamacare repeal deadline

Trump world trains its sights on Mueller

Pentagon to send almost 4,000 more troops to Afghanistan

Trump approval hits 50%

Swedish Islamophobia expert joins ISIS, calls for attack on Sweden

Russia claims it has killed Islamic State leader al Bagdadi

ESPN host says NFL is playing politics 'by playing national anthem'

Shopping: Amazon buying Whole Foods for $13.7 billion

Feinstein wants Comey back on the Hill, and will back a subpoena if necessary

Truce over: Pelosi attacks grieving Republicans

London's Muslim mayor Khan slammed for not banning anti-Jew march

Shots fired at truck flying 'Make America Great Again' flag

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