Monday, June 12, 2017


The following headlines have all been found on Internet news sites. Guess which ones came from Politico?

Democrats turn on DHS chief [Kelly]

ICE agents round up 113 criminal aliens in New Jersey sweep

In 'crisis' mode, Qatar hires Bush Attorney General to lead lobbying effort

Pressure on May to step aside ...

Top OMB nominee 'burned' at stake for his Christian faith

Romney reveals that Clinton nudged him to consider Trump's Secretary of State overture

Professor equates white marble statues with white supremacy

Biden's niece pleads guilty to stealing $100,000

Many Puerto Ricans crave statehood, but the timing could not be worse

Congressman: Trump fired Comey, now IRS Commissioner Koskinen needs to be removed

Conservatives near revolt on Senate healthcare reform

Iran finalizes deal to buy 60 Boeing planes ...

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