Sunday, June 18, 2017

Father's Day

Very Ancient Greece was a matriarchal society ... primarily because women were thought alone to be the progenitors of  society. This was due to an ignorance regarding the male role in reproduction. Sex was viewed as a simple pleasure without the connection to procreation. In fact, queens then would take lovers for a year and then, much like the praying mantis, decapitate them and move on to their next studley.

Obviously this society had no notion of Father's Day.  And now we have almost come full circle with sperm donors, egg donors, test-tube babies, three-parent babies, etc. And, it is predicted, that someday  soon the male role in reproduction will become totally obsolete. Medical science will then be able to cause the female egg to form a new human without the introduction of the male wriggler.

Then Father's Day will again disappear ... as eventually males themselves might vanish. We will have finally arrived at the Age of Aquarius ... only females ... when wars will vanish, the Earth will be healed and the only crime will be wearing a pants suit.

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