Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Fake News

President Trump has tagged much of the media ... and in particular CNN ... as "fake news." And, as often happens to the chagrin of liberals, our much maligned president is being proven correct. First, CNN had to retract and apologize for a fake CNN story about a Trump associate being investigated by the Senate for suspicious ties to a major Russian financier ... see: NY Times Story. Three CNN employees have resigned (or been fired) as a result of this embarrassment.

Now, as icing on this fake-news manure cake, James O'Keefe has just released a secretly-recorded tape of a conversation with a CNN producer admitting that the whole Russian narrative being pushed by his network (and many others) for lo these many months was and is "bullshit"! See: Project Veritas. Dispite this grift, it persisted because of the rating bump that this narrative was reaping for Jeff Zucker & Co.

I guess I am not too surprised at these double-barreled revelations about the network that, for years, has been cynically called the Clinton News Network. But the fact that CNN has an exclusive and privileged position in most public venues around the world, suggests to me a far bigger problem. Perhaps, our FCC might find a suitable punishment for CNN's disregard of the truth and the trust that its audience has placed in it? Maybe it could be forced to broadcast with no sound or even subtitles?

Afterward: Perhaps CNN's motto should be changed to "The most trussed name in news"?


  1. Wait, did you just cite an article in fake NYT to support the judgement of fake CNN? Is that some sort of logical fallacy?
