Wednesday, June 07, 2017

A Taste of Reality

The first Deep State leaker has been arrested. Her name ironically is Reality Leigh Winner and she is now a loser for her snowflake gesture of leaking a top-secret NSA document regarding Russian attempted hacking into our voter systems right before last year's election, the details of which are quite fascinating ... see: NY Post Story.

Whether these details were real or were moonbat bait (as Rush Limbaugh suspects) is irrelevant for Ms Winner did feel it her patriotic duty to pass this top-secret marked document on to the  "Intercept", a left wing Internet site. Already she is being portrayed as a Edward Snowden-like hero ... see: NY Times Story

Who is Reality Winner? First read a somewhat sympathetic CV in The Guardian. Then note that this woman has stated that "being white is racist" which does suggest that she has consumed a whole washtub full of liberal Kool Aid. For a somewhat less sympathetic view, read: Talking Points Memo.  (Interestingly, yesterday I read an even more negative story on Ms. Winner. Today, searching with Google, I could not relocate it. I wonder why?)

Anyhow, how this woman ever passed her background check with the NSA is dumbfounding? The fact that her parents gave her this hippy-dippy name, I think, is revealing. As is often said, "squirrels make squirrels" ...

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