Monday, May 29, 2017

Suggestion Box

A few things that could make our screwed-up world a might sight better:

- All the ransoms that need to be paid to unlock Windows computers locked by ransomware should be paid by ... Bill Gates.

- To save the planet, soft drink makers should replace their CO2 bubbles with nitrous oxide (laughing gas).

- President Macron of France (39) should honor his 64 year-old wife as "Cougar of the Year".

- To get rid of her persistant cough, Hillary Clinton should stop drinking so much chardonnay.

- If the US can hack North Korea's missile launches, we should direct the next one back onto Kim Jong Un's viewing site.

- Celebrities who are famous for being famous should be boycotted by the media

- Trump should fess up about his Russia collusion: 'Yes, I was hoping to get them to help us in our war against jihadism ...'

- Julian Assange should be given the US Medal of Freedom ... then placed in front of a firing squad.

- Student tuition loans, in the US and Britain, should only be paid directly to the colleges and not to the students.

1 comment:

  1. -Allow seniors to withdraw $ from IRA tax-free if they spend money on US real estate or American Made products.
