Tuesday, May 09, 2017


These headlines are real ... they have all been discovered on Internet news sites. Guess which ones came from Politico?

One third of French voters either spoiled ballots or abstained

NKorea detains another American citizen ... 'hostage diplomacy' ...

Chicagoland: 2 dead, 8 wounded in shooting  at memorial for previous slaying ...

McCain hammers Tillerson in NYT op-ed

Putin sends warships into NATO waters

Trump to Senators: Ask [Sally] Yates who leaked classified information

Harvard students to hold their own 'black-only' graduation ceremony

TV ads order smartphones to spy ...

Army Rangers kill Afghan ISIS head, 35 fighters -- but at a cost

Democrats launch blitz on Republicans who backed Obamacare repeal

San Francisco Chronicle admits some anti-Trump protesters are paid

Group [Judicial Watch] sues for Sally Yates Justice Department emails

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