Saturday, May 27, 2017


These headlines have all been found on Internet news sites. Guess which ones came from Politico.

Visas to Muslim-majority countries down 20 percent

DNC hacker emailed Dem voter turnouts to COP consultant

POTUS: 'The Germans are bad, very bad on trade'

Ninth man arrested in connection to Manchester bombing

ICE cracks 'sanctuary' California: arrests nearly 200

Trump budget requires work for food stamps

Boehner: 'Tax reform just a bunch of happy talk" ...

Scarborough: 'Trump an ugly American'

Unions blast Harley Davidson for overseas production plans

DHS chief: You'd 'never leave house' with my terror info ...

Ramadan rage, day 1: 26 Coptic Christians massacred in Egypt

Michael Steele on Zuckerberg's universal income idea: 'Why doesn't he start it'

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