Thursday, April 13, 2017

Report Card

It is coming up on Trump's first hundred days and so we need to look at what has gone well and a few stinkers. Here is one man's opinion:

Supreme Court Appointment.                       A+

Dealing with International Crises.                 B

International Diplomacy                               C+

Immigration Executive Order                        C-

Cabinet Picks                                                  B+    

ICE Enforcement                                          A+

Obabacare Repeal and Replace                     F
Press Relations                                                D

Regulation Reform                                        Inc.

Budget Priorities                                              A

Tax Reform                                                    Inc.

Mexican Wall                                                  C+

Energy Independence                                      A

Infrastructure                                                 Inc.

White House Unity                                          D

Overall.                                                             B-


  1. Anonymous6:06 AM

    You forgot one important category, flip-flopping. How do you like him now??? Oh, and lying. He gets an "A" in lying.

    1. He does seem to change his mind a lot ... depending on whether he had lunch with Ivanka and Jared ...
