Tuesday, April 18, 2017


These headlines are real ... they have all been discovered on Internet news sites. Guess which ones came from Politico?

Report: US deploys more aircraft carriers toward Korean peninsula ...

Is Georgia poised for a Democrat upset?

Trump approval hits 50%

All star lineup on Geffen yacht ... Obamas, Oprah, Springsteen, Hanks

NYT fails to disclose terrorist conviction of Op-Ed contributor

Germany: Attack on Russian Embasy foiled 'at last minute'

Manhunt expands for suspect in Facebook video killing

NK vows weekly missile tests

Conway calls on Democrat leaders to calm violent anti-Trump protests

Conservative PAC takes aim at Warren during book tour

Lovers' quarrel? Scarborough FLIPPED OUT on Mika after she made fun of him on Monday

Bride, groom kicked off UNITED flight on way to get married

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