Sunday, April 16, 2017


These headlines are real ... they have all been discovered on Internet news sites. Guess which ones came from Politico?

Wrong headline nearly starts war

China says North Korea tension has to be stopped before reaching 'irreversible' stage

Local Muslims shut down Shria law patrols in Minneapolis neighborhood

Trump taps Ex-Im [Bank] critic to head agency

Car bombing in Syria strikes convoy transporting evacuees, 43 killed

Generals given free rein on ISIS fight ...

EPA chief Scott Pruitt calls for 'exit' of Paris climate agreement

White House says it won't make visitor logs public

Elizabeth Warren says Mitch McConnell won't even say hello to her

Tillerson's stock rises at the White House

Trump, Gen. Kelly 'dismantle' Obama's 'progress' for illegal immigrants

The last know person born in the 1800s has died

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