Saturday, April 01, 2017


These headlines are real ... they have all been discovered on Internet news sites. Guess which ones came from Politico?

Democrats aim to take out Cruz in 2018

SpaceX pulls off first reused rocket launch ... in triumph for Musk ...

Two Senate Dems will back Gorsuch ...

Child molestation, homicide not enough to keep these two guys off VA payroll

Rand Paul: 75% chance for repeal of Obamacare

Pakistan allows citizen to register as a Jew for first time since 1980s

Venezuela one man rule ... court dissolves legislature ...

Schiff: Did White House seek to launder evidence through Nunes?

Haley: U.S. no longer focused on removing Assad from power

Biden: 9 Republican senators told me they knew opposing Garland was wrong

Congress mulls illegal immigration tax to pay for border wall

Huge section of I-85 in Atlanta collapses after fire

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