Wednesday, April 12, 2017


These headlines are real ... they have all been discovered on Internet news sites. Guess which ones came from Politico?

Busted: West Point cadet convicted of drug dealing ...

Trump's $1T[rillion] infrastructure plan could wind up in a ditch

US Special Forces take out entire ISIS team, assaulting Syrian base that trains rebels

Trump: USA ready to solve N. Korea problem without China

Chinese firm halves employment costs by hiring army of robots ...

Fitton: Documents confirm Obama IRS targeted conservatives

Washington Post's Trump coverage among Pulitzer winners

Judge rules Texas voter law is discriminatory

Slavery returns to Africa: Migrants sold on open marker in Libya ...

Trump vexed by Assad's motivation for chemical attack

Tillerson: Russia must chose between Assad and the U.S.

Report: Foreigners now account for 61% of federal arrests

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