Sunday, April 02, 2017


These headlines are real ... they have all been discovered on Internet news sites. Guess which ones came from Politico?

DNC Perez unleashed: 'Trump didn't win election' ...

Schiff heads to White House to review controversial intelligence

Rahm Emmanuel invents new ID to insure illegals get their welfare

Maddow Fever continues at MSNBC: Ratings grow and grow

Rex Tillerson says sanctions against Russia will remain in place

Bannon earned more than half a million dollars from entities tied to GOP donors

Wiki strikes again: CIA computer codes hide origins of its hacking ... disguises as Russia, China

Simulation suggests 68% of Universe may not exist ...

Kasich cracks down on opoid prescriptions with strict limit

Laptop bombs undetectable ...

Democrats aim to take out Cruz in 2018

Montana Democrats vote against law banning Sharia law

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