Friday, April 07, 2017

Cloud of Suspicion

There is a growing cloud of suspicion surrounding our former National Security Advisor Susan Rice ... for her past escapades, including, it seems to be more and more obvious, her using our intelligence agencies to spy on Donald Trump's presidential campaign team. This is an extremely serious charge which may involve other Obama political appointees ... maybe even B.O. himself. President Trump has even suggested that Ms. Rice may be guilty of a crime ... particularly if she requested unmasking of more than two dozen intelligence intercepts that apparently had no national security or Russian contact references ... only political value and personal information.

I know. I know. It it quite early in this investigation to make these leaps of logic. But, like when President Reagan was embroiled in Iran-Contra, it is the seriousness of the charge that is paramount. We are peeling this onion ... and, like it has been over the last week, this obvious misfeasance is looking more and more like the early days of Watergate. ... serious malfeasance. I will not be surprised that, if over the next months, Susan Rice is joined in the docks by such luminaries as Rice's aide Ben Rhodes, Obama's confident Valarie Jarrett, the former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former CIA head John Brennan,  and even former AG Loretta Lynch (her meeting with Bill Clinton came shortly before the first FISA request to wiretap Trump Tower).

I suspect it might be a very entertaining summer of congressional TV hearings swirling around this spying on Trump and his people matter.

1 comment:

  1. And besides, aren't Susan Rice's many deconstructions "white lies"?
