Monday, April 10, 2017


Over the weekend I wrote a pithy comment on the Diplomad blog site which received some favorable comment. Here it is:
As a reaction to the intermural savagery of the twentieth century, it would seem that the EU and many of its holier-than-thou members have inadvertenly composed a new lesson for us all -- there is such a thing as too much civilization.
Then, this morning, I read the follow-on comment which more than supported my observation:
Thank you, DiploMad, excellent piece.We had a terror attack in Stockholm this weekend. Four dead, among them, an 11 year old girl on her way home from school. She was deaf, probably didn´t hear the approaching truck. There you have a victim and a story that, if MSM brought it up, could change politics , at least in our country. But MSM is quiet here , media is just very neutral, "four victims", that´s it. They collude with the progressive politicians. Compare this with the picture of the drowned boy that contributed to the open border policy that now torment us and cause our many problems. Progressive media and politicians with their insane ideas direct this. They have caused the situation in Europe, they, very protected themselves, preach that terror is now "part and parcel" of life, we have to adjust, society must remain open. We the people have another opinion about the solutions, that´s why , hopefully, another brand of politicians will appear soon. 
The patina of civilization in much of Europe is reactionary and delusional. Is there such a thing as too much civilization? I can give you a few symptoms of this societal malady -- a flight from common sense, "safe spaces" at universities, an unwillingness to utter the term "Muslim terrorist", a fanatical obsession with open borders, naming carbon dioxide as an air pollutant, spending national treasure on anything and everything but self-preservation, an unelected governerning body, a media that runs away from objectivity, a society obsessed with "diversity" and "inclusion" ... you can take it from here.

Perhaps the notion that President Trump is crass and uncivilized is not such a bad thing. And I am suspicious of those forces that are trying to "civilize" him.


  1. I think that those moonbats who are currently destroying much of Europe are "white/" Is this silliness all a part of white privlege?

  2.  a flight from common sense:
    Are talking about Trump and Bannon? As the saviors of this or the instigators?

     "safe spaces" at universities:

     an unwillingness to utter the term "Muslim terrorist":
    They are terrorists. The religion label muddies the water. All-American terrorists like Dylann Roof, Timothy McVeigh, Ted Bundy, James Holmes, and AdamLanza were all described as simply “terrorists”. What were their religious affiliations?

     a fanatical obsession with open borders:
    Fence? What fence?

     naming carbon dioxide as an air pollutant:
    Burning gas-emitting hydrocarbons for 300 years is having an impact that is most quantifiable in ever-ascending levels of CO2. That has a greenhouse effect. Fact.

     spending national treasure on anything and everything but self-preservation:
    Are you saying self-preservation is about having only a bigly military, or is it having health, culture, learning, and (dare I say!) civilized society

     an unelected governerning body:
    That’d be Bannon, Ivanka, and Jared.

     a media that runs away from objectivity:
    I see news stories as objective in most sources even though the verbs seem to wander from lame to incendiary. Editorials, columnists, and opinions are inherently subjective.

     a society obsessed with "diversity" and "inclusion":
    Obsessed true… but as opposed to what? Maybe ”exclusivity” and “exclusion”?

    1. I do want to respond to one of these. We have bee putting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere forever (burning wood). There are probably dozens of things that affect climate (+ and -) ... the sun being paramount ... none of which man can possibly hope to control EXCEPT CO2. So we focus on this one thing that is the basis of all life and which has been ten times higher in days past ... utter political silliness and opportunism. (And which we have had warm ups without changing.)

  3. You belong in the EU (non-elected) governing body ... I won't argue all of these points here ... but do a blog search for my thoughts.

  4. You said "you can take it from here." I did.

    Should I search your thoughts or Hindraker and the Diplomad as well?
