Monday, March 13, 2017

St, Barths

Read my comment at the end of a posting about St. Barths on Dartblog. This beautiful French island is now a mecca for the super-super-rich who have brought swimming pools and mosquitoes to this once-bucolic Caribbean island. Some people claim Jimmy Buffett is to blame ...


  1. How you must miss the mix of cow pie and fine sand between your toes...

    1. I miss the fresh baked baguette you could walk two blocks and buy in the AM ... the rock lobster that the local fisherman would leave tied-up at your back door ... the astounding scuba diving on the local reef ... the hummingbirds flying through your living room ... French topless damsels on the Rockefeller beach ... the real flown-in Dover sole at the local bistro .. and very few pushy plutocrats. Alas ... nothing stays the same.

  2. Sounds delightful. But why would the super rich bring mosquitoes? Or is that a secondary effect of poorly maintained fresh water pools?
