Thursday, March 30, 2017

Pajama Party

Watching [too] many of the talking-heads programs on TV has suggested to me one such show is the equivalent of a  high school pajama party and the inane gum-chewing banter that takes place therein. Here is some imagined gossip during a talking-heads sleepover:

"Ja'hear that Priebus won't sit with Bannon at lunch anymore!"

"Ivanka's Daddy gave her a new sports car over the weekend! Gee, I think she's his favorite!"

"You won't believe what Bernie Sanders did after the Senior Prom?"

"I was told that Principal McConnell yesterday was cursing out the teacher's union! And our Latin teacher, Schumer, swore that he would get even with him!"

"Someone blabbed our Blues had a beer pong party after the game Saturday and half of them ended up blowing lunch!"

"Who wants to go out on a date with Mikey Pence?"

"Psst, Slick Willie , on his Facebook page, said he had the hots for Sarah Palin!"

Actually these back-and- forths are a lot less catty than that actually seen on the boob tube ...

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