Friday, March 31, 2017


These headlines are real ... they have all been discovered on Internet news sites. Guess which ones came from Politico?

An estimated 36,000 illegal immigrants have received amnesty under Trump as he reneges on promise

Sessions moves quickly to deport imprisoned immigrants

Record snowfall buries Anchorage ...

Trump tweets attack on New York Times floating a change in libel laws

Berkeley invites Ann Coulter to discuss illegal immigration

Pence breaks tie in Senate vote on Planned Parenthood funding

Trump to sign new Internet rules ...

Web users to buy lawmakers' browsing histories ...

[Senator] McCaskill agonizes over Gorsuch [confirmation vote]

EU boss: We'll break up the USA

Can the White House drive the tax reform train? History says no

NC ends sports embargo by sunsetting trans bathroom law by 2920

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