Thursday, March 23, 2017


These headlines are real ... they have all been discovered on Internet news sites. Guess which ones came from Politico?

Terror at UK Parliment, Cop stabbed, Pedestrians mowed down

China issues warning to U.S. bomber flying in East China Sea ...

WSJ Trump editorial: 'Like a drunk to an empty gin bottle'

Hill GOP: We're growing frustrated with Mattis

Immigration provision cut from Obamacare rollback, angering conservatives ...

Chelsea Clinton to receive [Variety magazize] Lifetime Achievement Award for some reason

WSJ Editors: Comey took revenge on Trump for wiretapping tweet

House Intel Chairmam: Trump's personal communications may have been collected

Democrats accuse Gorsuch of hiding his legal views

Erdogan: Soon Europeans will not walk safely and on their streets

Tillerson disdain for tradition causes diplomatic dust-ups

Susan Rice lectures Trump on making false statements..

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