Tuesday, March 21, 2017


These headlines are real ... they have all been discovered on Internet news sites. Guess which ones came from Politico?

Comey confirms FBI investigation of Trump-Russian collusion

Bush on Comey hearing: Message to Trump is Stop the 'drain the swamp stuff' or face impeachment

Flashback: ACA architect says Obamacare designed to fail

ICE: Sanctuary Travis County [Texas] released 142 criminal aliens in a week

Why Trump can't let go of his bogus wiretapping claim

Saudi Deputy Crown Prince, Pentagon chief Mattis discussed 'confronting Iran'

Great Barrier Reef still not dying, whatever Wash Post sez

Police: Brady's Super Bowl jersey tracked to Mexico

Another baby Trump is on the way, and sick people are already attacking the kid

Comey confirms 'no information' about Trump wiretapping claim

Only 43% of voters can name Supreme Court judge

Secret Service theft caught on video, knew what he was after

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