Sunday, March 19, 2017


These headlines are real ... they have all been discovered on Internet news sites. Guess which ones came from Politico?

Canadian border authorities detaining record number of Mexicans ...

Cold snap kills half the cherry blossoms in Washington ...

Radicalized Muslim shot dead at Paris airport after snatching soldier's gun ...

'Allahu Akbar' attacker arrested after two men's throats slit in Paris

California student writes op-ed about how milk is now 'racist'

Donna Brazile admits sharing debate questions with Clinton camp, blames Russia

Trump in tweet: Germany owes U.S. 'vast sums of money' for NATO

Erdogan urges Turks in Europe to have more kids

NY State kills literacy test for teachers, minority students hardest hit

Trump's Mideast surge has Pentagon debating 'mission creep'

Paglia: Feminism 'bogged down' being identified with Dems ...

Previously dried-up, Lake Tahoe could now overflow ...

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